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​Acceptance into the Beechwood Bands Boosters Holiday Craft Fair is solely at the discretion of the Beechwood Bands Boosters Holiday Craft Fair Committee.


Vendor registration ​fees

  • 10 x 10 Single booth space, no electric: $60
  • 10 x 10 Single booth space with electric: $75
  • 10 x 20 Double booth (2 adjacent spaces), no electric: $110
  • 10 x 20 Double booth (2 adjacent spaces) with electric: $125



​A single booth space is approximately 10 feet deep × 10 feet wide. If you buy two spaces, you double your width and your square footage, i.e. 10 feet deep × 20 feet wide.  We do not provide tables or chairs.


Booth placement

​Placement of your booth(s) will be determined primarily by seniority, availability of electricity, and maintaining distance between vendors who sell similar products. Though space is limited, we will do our best to honor your placement related requests.


Restrictions and vendor responsibilities

Beechwood Banda Boosters provides physical space for registered vendors during the Craft Fair, and sells admission to shoppers who will buy from most of our vendors. We do not guarantee that your products will sell, though we approve your application only if we think your products will appeal to our shoppers.


If you are selling food or cosmetics, you must be licensed by the Commonwealth. You may be subject to inspection by the Health Department to verify your license is current and valid, and your products are properly labeled. The Craft Fair Committee may further restrict which products/materials are allowed.


You are responsible for setting up and removing your product display, processing your sales transactions, and paying Kentucky sales & use taxes on your revenue. Additionally, you agree to hold Beechwood Band Boosters harmless for any damage or loss you might incur through your participation in the Beechwood Bands Holiday Craft Fair.




Please read the Policies and Procedures carefully. Please direct questions to 

Single 10 x10

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