Beechwood Elementary Junior Color Guard
On several Fridays during the football and marching band season (August through October), the Beechwood Elementary Junior Color Guard will rehearse and perform with the high school band! The Junior Color Guard is open to any Beechwood Student in grades 5, 6 and 7. Our goal with this group is to get students involved with our award winning color guard program and 11-time State Champion Marching Tigers and provide them with a welcoming environment to interact socially with other students and to learn the skills of movement, dance, and color guard. Junior Color Guard culminates with the students performing alongside the Marching Tigers Color Guard at the Beechwood High School Homecoming Ceremony, usually in mid-October. There are NO FEES associated with the Junior Color Guard program!

Typical Friday Schedule --- Subject to change
3:30pm - Students meet to work on color guard skills such as dance, spinning flags, and teamwork.
5:00pm - Student activities (games, team building activities, etc.)
5:30pm - Student activities end
**Non Football Game Days - Students are picked at the elementary main entrance or watch the band
**Football Game Days - Stay to watch the end of HS marching band rehearsal
5:45pm - Marching Band Rehearsal Ends
**Non Football Game Days - Students are dismissed
**Football Game Days - Dinner is provided by band boosters
7:30pm - Football Game
-Junior color guard gets into the football game for free and spends time with the high school color guard in the stands
8:45pm - Students watch the marching halftime show from the front track. Students are dismissed from the game after the halftime performance. Parent pick up from stadium or elementary main entrance.
The Junior Color Guard is under the direction of Ms. Jazlyn Martin and Ms. Kate Nottingham.